Friday, January 15, 2010

In memory of you

i’ve returned to the house
a place i know so well
yet i feel like a stranger
nothing changed, nothing moved
except maybe the layers of dust
that have thickened since last time

your room untouched
a dog eared book with a mark
at the page you last read
the sheets still the same
preserving the smell of you
one solitary rose in the vase
dried and withered

i want to leave things
the way i’d left them before
so i sit on the edge of your bed
where we sat once not long ago
reminiscing moments that once filled
this room with life

now lifeless, the light filters in
through a crack in the glass
highlighting the solitary rose
i gave to you the night before
you left
so long ago and yet so close
that is the only thing
i’ll take back with me this time
the rose and a memory of you

the rose, in memory of you


Unknown said...

nice..!! its lovely because it has that deep intense factor, but it also is interesting in a way... i LOVED it..

kay said...

thank u...u always find my blogs intense, dont u???:)

Unknown said...

yeah ofcourse..!! it IS intense kassy...!!

kay said...

thank u... :):):)