Thursday, January 14, 2010


How do you erase the bad memories and move on?
How do you forgive the hurtful words and actions?
How do you start afresh when all of the hurt is at the back of your mind?
Is it possible to surpass each word and action and live normally?
And if it is then how is it done?
How can you be with him when all you can remember is the pain he caused you?
How can you still love him so much even though you haven’t forgiven him?
And even if you are trying to forgive him, how are you going to forget?
Each time you say you love him, do you mean it or is it just a lie?
Are you still with him because you’re scared of being without him?
Have you noticed the changes in him or is it just me?
How come he never whispers sweet nothings into you ear anymore?
How come he doesn’t say he loves you back anymore?
How come he doesn’t say he misses you back anymore?
What are you both into?
Is it for real or is this all just a lie?
Is it my over imagination or are you really not happy?
And do these questions matter to you?
What’s the point anyway, because the minute you move away from the mirror these questions will fade away along with me.

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