Sunday, January 24, 2010

Almost done

its sharpness glistens

in the moonlight
in contemplation, i wait
should i?, shouldn’t i?
the glow of the candle
flickers, almost at it’s end

my mind, ravaged
with thoughts
my eyes, blinded
with visions
my heart, overcome
with emotion
chaotic chills run down
my spine

in one swift motion
a cut runs through my wrist
blood spurts over my clothes
forming stains
that will be sampled later
my whole life flashes before my eyes
the smell of white lilies
mixed with the scent of wet mud
fills my nose

the hour has come closer now
in the dead of the night
i can hear each drop of blood
fall and merge with the puddle
formed at my feet

the pain receding
smiling faces of my loved ones
playing before my eyes as they close in

and then i wake up
the sharpness on my bedside table
still glistening
in the moonlight
i pick it up, walk back
to the kitchen
place it back where it belongs

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