Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My most embarrassing moment...till the next one happens...

As teenagers, when we’re at our farewell, we fill in these little stupid slam books, wanting to cage the memories our years spent in school…there are various questions that you have to fill out…I loved filling slam books…but there was one question that always puzzled me…your most embarrassing moment…I could just never decide what to write there…not that there is a dearth of embarrassing moments in my life…oh there are plenty but none of them as embarrassing so as to win first prize…so I would always leave that space blank…until recently…very recently, I, created my most embarrassing moment…here’s what happened…
Date: 14th February 2009
Location: All Sports Bar, CP, New Delhi
Occasion: Valentine’s Day!!!

Now I have been single for a fairly long time and it doesn’t really bother me…but come Valentine’s Day and I transform into this manic single soul brooding about the lack of a guy in my mundane existence…so it’s Valentine’s Day and a couple of friends – Devika, Radhika, Ayushee, Arjun, Divyansh and me decide to go out for drinks…I suggest a place called All Sports Bar…simply because it’s a sports bar and I assumed it would be free of this contagious diseases called love…so we enter in…and guess what the place is filled with couples who fight all year round but somehow on this day manage to fill the air with looovvvee…to add to my misery there were heart shaped balloons floating around…for a moment, I was tempted to run away…but I spotted Arjun and Divyansh waving out to us…so plan A (running away) was foiled…time for plan B – drink and disillusion oneself…drink means drink not drunk…drink in this context means achieving a desired level of disillusionment in order to block out sounds and sights that cause irritation and depression…so beer was ordered and conversation flowed…in the midst of excited chattering Arjun announced that he wanted Long Island Tea…”A pitcher of LIT please”…from the looks of it I assumed that maybe Arjun also wanted to reach ‘that’ level of disillusionment, like me, which the beer refused to give…I smiled to myself because I had some company now…I’m not the only maniac in this world…the first mug, yes we were offered mugs instead of glasses…maybe they ran out of glasses or something…so I was saying, the first mug of LIT did the trick…I couldn’t care less about the couples around me…what I didn’t realize then was that I hadn’t even cared about how many LIT’s I had consumed till then…all I remember now is noise and chatter and laughter…I didn’t understand a word of what anyone was saying…I was also fighting hard to recognise the people around me…I simply couldn’t figure…and then for some weird reason I started laughing and wanted to share the joke with another drunk, Radhika who was sitting to my right…and suddenly the world around me started to spin and thud…I had landed on my buttocks on the hard wooden floor…I remember wondering if I had cracked a bone there or was it the floor…I could hear the laughter very clearly now…I could even hear my own laughter…I can’t recollect what followed after that…the next thing I remember is waking up the next morning with a vague recollection of my fall and still giggling about it…so now bring out those slam books…I have finally found the relevant answer…


Unknown said...

awesome moment.. i wonder why girls cant really handle themselves when they r drinking.. they drink as if theres no tomorrow and theres gonna a dearth of alcohol or something.. usually girls have these kinda embarassing moment.. guys either go off to sleep or they start thinking they r bhai's or hitmen or something!!! lolzzz... cheers!!!

kay said...

most girls i know an't handle their drink...but u know me better than that...of course i drink like there's no tomorrow but i can walk myself back home even if i've downed a whole bottle of vodka...n u know that...it's just that it was Valentine's Day n the hopeless romantic that i am, i couldn't stand being alone...