Sunday, March 29, 2009

My girl

there you are, jumping around
in the puddles that have formed at your feet
staining the hem of your pink linen dress
trying to catch each drop
falling from the unknown
dampening your hair
but not your spirit
ruining your curls
but you couldn’t care any less
i watch
as the shower grows heavier
i know i must protect you
but all i do is watch
your free spirit
your giggle against the thunder
no fear or uncertainty
you smile at the lightening
as if to mock it
nothing can tie you down
you spin around in circles
stopping abruptly to catch my gaze
and in that one fleeting moment
you reflect all that i was
all that i wanted to be
and then you smile and stretch your hand to me
drawing me into the open
loosening my spirit again
your fingers so small
in my hand
together we drench ourselves
while we giggle
you’ve transformed me into a child again
like you had once transformed me into a mother
and while i’m looking up to the heavens
thanking Him for you
i feel your tiny arms around my legs
i look down
and there you are
my girl…

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