Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random Philosophies - I

Sometimes people walk into your life with such an impact that all you can do is sit back and savour their presence…you grow fond of them, you begin to depend on them…slowly and gradually they make a niche for themselves…and you allow them that space…secure in your heart that they’ll be there forever…but somehow we forget that nothing lasts forever…these people then leave creating a void within you…maybe the niche that they’ve created is that void…and then we go about feeling bitter and angry…sometimes it’s not the whole person who walks away…sometimes it’s just a part of that person…a part that you are in love with…and then we keep searching for that person or that part wishing that whatever walked away would come back…but they don’t…besides the fact that nothing lasts forever we also forget that these people who walk into our lives come in for a short period…they come in when we need them the most, the come in to make us strong, they come in to make us realize our worth or maybe just exactly the opposite of all of the above…but in some way or the other they teach us something…they leave us with memories and experiences, good or bad…they either give us everything that they have and take away with them most of what we have…what I think we should dwell on is not for them to come back…but to look at the moments they’ve created for us and smile or cry, whichever applies best…the thing to remember is that if they’ve left a void in us then we’ve left a void in them too, right????

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