Sunday, January 25, 2009

Emotional Attachment...!!!!

Emotional attachment…!! i’ve always wondered how i could get rid of that...i guess i can’t…i’ve always associated tears with emotional attachment…and since i hadn’t cried in a while i thought that, you know, i would have gotten over the melodramatic habit of being extremely attached to things and people and then crying out buckets on loosing them…but i cried recently…why??? well, because…let me be honest…i wasn’t drunk or anything…but i deleted a folder that contained more that a thousand photographs of friends, family and more…it wasn’t intentional…i don’t how i managed to do something as stupid as even deleting it from the recycle bin…yeah but that’s what i did…and then cried a river when i realized a few days later what i had done…i cried for all the memories that were attached to those photos…then i cried some more and cursed even more and have been morose since then…anyone looking at me would think i was in depression or something…but it was so petty that it was not possible for me to cry with just about anyone…so i called my brother and cried some more…he listened patiently as i sobbed away into the phone…midway into the conversation i regretted having ever called him…i thought i was better off crying alone than with him…by the end of the conversation though, i was feeling a lot better…he made me look at the bright side…deleting the pictures didn’t make me loose any memories…i just lost proof of those memories but that didn’t mean i didn’t have them at all…they are in my head…just the way i created them…now i had an opportunity here…i could just click more photographs and make new memories…and yes the moral of the story: think before you act…!!!!!
there was one more moral to the story: don’t get emotionally attached…what i’m still trying to figure is how not to…

Sunday, January 18, 2009

If you could see me now...

if you could see me now
you’d see the million dreams
i’ve dreamt about you

if you could see me now
you’d see the hope
that has floated against fate

if you could see me now
you’d see the significance
of you in my life

if you could see me now
you’d see the love
the only thing that has never changed

if you could see me now
you’d have never left
in the first place

if you could see me now
you’d fall in love
with all that you left behind

look back, i need you

you walked away
never to look back
i call out for you
to turn around
to look into my eyes
and see eternity
in the way i feel
in the way i need you
but you don’t
i wanna tell you
how much i love you
how i need you
like the flowers need the dew
like the earth needs the sun
like the seasons need to change
i need you
but you don’t wanna listen
here come my words
pouring out
through cryptic lyrics
i know you’ll never read
if you’d only listen
you’d know there’d be no goodbye
you’d know i’d always be there
turn around
i can’t scream anymore
and take my hand
i won’t let go
i won’t give you the pain
you’ve been hiding from
look back
i’m still here

your happiness

running around in circles
confused about life
scanning the sky for replies
to questions that seem absurd
walking through the winter night
staring at the stars
waiting for them to spell the answers
but the alphabets don’t form
they just stare back at me
echoing the questions i ask
why did you leave?
why do you not feel?
they just stare back
replaying the memories
the one thing that i’ve always looked for
i’ve lost
beyond my reach you moved away
i tried to grab your hand
you pulled away
i wanted to protect you
but you wanted to be you
you left
you’re gone
and now i’m alone
wishing upon the meteors
for you above all else
to be happy….

Thursday, January 15, 2009


i’ve been wishing
for you to close your eyes
and go back to the times
we had together
to the times you made me smile
the times when I made you laugh
when you looked down at me
grateful that I was there
when I looked up at you
wishing to stay the same
this thing
we had between us
filled the simultaneous void
that filled our lives
but differently
you thanked the stars for my shoulder
while I wished upon the stars
for you
and you tell me you’re there
i know you are
just not the way I want you to be
i could stand here forever in your embrace
i could lie there forever watching you sleep
i could sit there forever as you speak
each moment captured in my heart
i wander around you
to capture more
because when you’re happy
with another arm linked to yours
and want me to be happy
these captured moments
are going to hide my inner tears…

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Him to her...

i can feel her eyes on me
watching me as i breathe
smiling to herself
her hands in my hair
beckoning peaceful sleep to come over me
i smile to myself
i could lay like this for the rest of my life…

Monday, January 12, 2009

Her to him...

lying next to you
watching you sleep
peace resonating each time
you exhale
my fingers running
through your hair
i’m lying there
just watching you
and i could do this for the rest of my life…

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hidden emotions...cryptic blogs...

Here I am hopelessly in love. But again as before, you don’t love me. You don’t feel a thing. And there’s nothing that I can do about it, accept for maybe pray that someday when I still love you as much you understand how I feel about you and love me back. But will He hear my prayers? I don’t wanna hurt you like others have. I just wanna give you all the love I have. If only I could tell you but that would mean risking loosing you. And I don’t wanna do that. They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all. I don’t agree. I’d rather have you as I do now than to not have you at all. For me, love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. How I feel about you, you will never know because I will never tell you. Even if you read what I write you will never realize that it’s about you. Secretly harboured emotions make way for cryptic blogs.