Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ice cream connection

It was my last day at work and although i had spent just a month here i still felt a bit sad walking out of there for probably the last time. i was in no mood to take a cab and besides i wanted to do something symbolic. Walking was really not my thing, but i decided to do it anyway. Unlike most days, the weather was quite pleasant. The air was fresh and cool causing tiny goose pimples to form on my skin as it filled my congested lungs. Foolish, romanticizing couples filled the length of the concrete promenade. How i wanted to smack one of them and make place for my bottom! But i walked ahead anyway and found some place next to this bunch of old men working out. You know basic aerobics, stretches and all. i sat facing the road, turned sideways to grasp a view of the sea, closed my eyes and took in the sound of the waves breaking at the rocks. i thought of the times when i would come here with my first boyfriend who, by the way, also happened to be my closest friend. We would sit for hours, sometimes talking [i would do most of the talking], sometimes quite, just enjoying the moment. There were also times when we’d watch the cars and choose which one would be ours.

i opened my eyes and continued to gaze at the sea and beyond. i don’t know when and how but my vision began to blur. Tears had welled up in my eyes. There were times like this, when i didn’t know why the tears came, but they came anyway. It took me back to the memory of when i had cried uncontrollably for a good fifteen minutes in front of you. My eyes had puffed up and my nose had turned red making me look like Rudolf. But you didn’t notice, i guess, because you were busy trying to convince me for an ice cream saying it would make me feel better. i eventually refused it then [I still haven’t figured out why]. But nothing stopped me now. i walked briskly, almost running to Baskin n Robbins as if they would run out of my favourite dark chocolate flavour at eleven in the morning. i ordered myself a triple scoop of and dunked my mouth into my ice cream and ate like i’d never seen ice cream before [after all, this was also my first meal for the day.] i got weird looks from the strangers who passed me by. i don’t blame them. Whenever i have chocolate ice cream my face automatically produces orgasmic reactions. i think it has to do with the chocolate. But yeah, as i was saying, ice cream really did help me feel better. i was so elated that i didn’t give a tiny rat’s ass about the looks, as long as my tears had dried i was content. A serious yet fun filled recommendatoin - have an ice cream when you're down. It helps…

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