Saturday, February 11, 2012

Decoding Adam!

I've had my fair share of encounters with the male species, directly or indirectly. I've never encountered a more confused gene composition than them. For the lack of a better comparison, I think a dog would be better to have around. I won't doubt that most men feel the same way about women. From random conversations, I know they think that women are complex. I'll agree! But at least in the matters of the heart (read love) when we love a man we have the courage to stand up to that and hold on to it versus letting it go. When we truly feel for a guy and kiss him, we mean it. Not wake up the next morning to apologize. Apology means regret and we don't regret kissing you. We don't think you deserve better because we know we're the best for you. We don't go around boy hopping till we find the one that stands between splitting our life into before and after. Yes, we obsess  over loosing you. We're an insecure species. Its a gene defect!! Yes we think about you all the time. Yes we get jealous. Yes we become selfish in wanting to spend more time with you, only because we want to convert each moment spent into a memorable memory to recall when you're not around.

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