Friday, August 28, 2009

To my friend - Kavitha

Some people create this niche for themselves in our lives…a niche if vacated creates a void…and like most good things, you begun to assume that they’ll leave but they don’t…no matter how far you are from them physically, mentally and emotionally you’re still connected…no matter how many new people you meet, their niche is securely off guards to others…their place is theirs…I’m not talking about partners and spouses here…I’m talking about friends…good friends…the ones who correct you when you’re wrong…the ones who’d fight the world off for you…the ones who cover your ass and kick it too…the ones who’s shoulder is always there when you wanna cry…the ones who’s ears no matter how sore still listen to your love problems…the ones who are happy for you…the ones who love you always…you don’t have to be in constant contact with them because in your heart you know that no matter how wide the distance is they’ll always reside in that niche…

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