Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The city that is Bombay...

I call this city my home…I’ve been away too long though, making visits like a guest…yet I don’t get treated like one…everything about this city is welcoming…the pot-holed roads…the tortoise paced traffic…the dust that rises from the ground…the din created by life…the stir created by constant movement…the sweaty crowd whose origin is unknown…the smells that define its existence…the grime from the alarming rise of pollution…the trivia of its unorganized ways…the intricate existence of its being…the way things are just because they’ve always been…there’s no denying its individuality…nothing can ever compare to its uniqueness…no matter how much we crib and complain about things, this is the way we like it…cause this is what defines its presence…the city which represents the whole nation…the city that has always fought back…the city that stands its ground…the city that has made its mark…the city that doesn’t need to prove itself…the city that has become a statement of lifestyle…the city that never sleeps…the city that is like no other...the city that is Bombay…

Monday, April 20, 2009

i know not...

what path is life gonna take me on now?

i dread to ask,

yet i'm curious to know.

where is this path gonna lead?

is the journey easy

or will i hurt again?

the urge to know the future

is all consuming at this time.

i try to think

what would be the right choice

the one that will

give the best outcome

but i know not.

all that comes to my mind

are the dreams i see.

are they trying to show me

what i wish to see

or they just playing on my fears?

when will this trivia end

and what will that end be?

these questions i try to evade

but they won't leave me.

where does my future lie

and with whom

i seek to know

but the chaos in my head or heart

blurs the answer

i beg to know.

this must end as i know it must

and for that i'd have to leave

it to You

in whom i trust...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

what would you call this....????

Have you ever stood tummy deep in the sea, letting the waves hit and find an unbroken shell stuck between your toes?

Have you ever stood out in the open, stretching your hands out crying wondering how did life go so wrong when a dew drop falls right on the tip of your finger?

Have you ever had that one day in life when all you’ve done is cried and just as you’re about to give up you catch a glimpse of a baby’s toothless grin and smile back for the first time in the day?

Have you ever watched a butterfly emerge from its cocoon and rest gently on your finger?

Have you ever lived your dream, each and every bit of it just the way you’ve seen it with your eyes closed?

Have you ever noticed the rays of the sun that filter through a crack in your window forming block patches on your bed?

Have you ever loved someone so much that once the person is gone you have nothing left to give?

Have you ever bumped into your first love of aeons ago only to realize that you never stopped loving him in the first place?

lessons to remember I

Life throws at you the most unexpected surprises…sometimes just talking to an old friend brings back a train of memories than cannot withhold the laughter…stupid things done courtesy immaturity…life comes full circle…everything that you’ve thrown out once comes back two folds…that’s how its always been…the trick is to accept and move on…that’s the thing I learnt from Jasmine…live like there’s no tomorrow…but all of this is only applicable when the alcohol level in the blood dips back to normal…then life is just a rigmarole of events that one may or may not wanna fulfil…but she didn’t need that to give her that kinda high in life…she was always high on energy…sporty and a willing participant in the game we call life…I miss her sometimes…