Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sometimes the only thing you can say is I love you…sometimes those are the only words that matter…sometimes it’s the best thing to say…and sometimes you can’t say it because it’s not yours to say…it belongs to someone else…and all you can do is stand by and watch the love flow out of your hands and into someone else’s…but just because it is someone’s else who says you cannot say it…heard that saying – ‘just cause someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean that they don’t love you at all…’ well, it’s just like that…just because that love is not yours to say in the way you want to say it doesn’t mean you can’t say it at all…you can say it from your heart in the way you mean it…it may not necessarily be interpreted in the same way as you want it to be but at least you’ve said it…sometimes it has to be told…sometimes you need to say it…